Year Two

Welcome to Year 2!
Our Autumn Project Map - 2024
Our Spring Project Map - 2025
Our Summer Project Map - 2025
We are writing to share some information about life in year 2.
The Year two classes are Squirrels Class with Mr Palmer and Hedgehogs Class with Mrs Burnham. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Richings and Mrs Ehtisham.

Curriculum and key dates

We start the year with Autumn term's big question ‘What makes a person significant?’ We will begin to use historical terms; year, decade and century to support our understanding of where a monarch reigned in history. We will explore the life and significance of a famous monarch and their impact. Then we will go on to describe how an aspect of life has changed within living memory. Later on in the term the children will evaluate the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. Soon after evaluating a significant local event - 'The Battle of Hastings' and its impact on a local area. Combining our Science and DT learning we will be exploring structures and seeing how these can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable. Investigating a range of puppets and their features, looking at local crafts people and designing and making puppets. We are excited to look at a range of picture and information books about; dragons, knights, castles, materials, puppets over the term and the children will create descriptive writing, a chronological report, poetry about dragons, instructional writing and a recount. In R.E. our key question this term is ‘What are your big questions?’ we will be exploring our wonders that we have about the world and comparing these to the views of others.  In our Science learning, we are beginning the Autumn term looking at variety of experiments linked to crystals. Soon after children will be performing simple tests on materials to learn more about their structure and properties. More information about our Curriculum can be found here St Wilfrid's C of E Primary - Our Curriculum (

Forest school 

Forest School sessions for year 2 will be held on specific days where the whole class has a session each half term. More information will be sent home separately. 

Homework and Reading at home

Children will continue to bring their Read, Write Inc reading books home from school on a 3-day rotation, if your child has completed the program they will bring an alternative book home. Year 2 pupils are very welcome to borrow a class picture or information book, we just ask you to take special care of it. Your child should be reading for 10 minutes every day. We all know how busy households are so if this is a struggle please come and talk to the Year Two teachers for alternative suggestions. Please fill in their Reading Record each time you read at home, filling in the title and page numbers. If you would like to write a brief comment about how your child got on that is always helpful. The children will again be taking part in the reading challenge where they will be earning certificates for reading 20, 50, 100 times and beyond, and these will be awarded to the children in celebration worship on a Friday.  

In Year 2 children will have homework sent home on a Friday which will be due in on the following Wednesday. Each week this will rotate between a Maths or English/project activity. Spellings will be set weekly via spelling shed, and paper copies will also be provided in your child's homework book. 

Times tables and related division facts, learning to tell the time should be practiced on an on-going basis, ideally a few minutes daily. 


PE in year 2 will continue to be on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please can your child come into school wearing their named PE kit, including their school sweatshirt. If for any reason your child cannot participate in a PE session, please let the class teacher know via the Year Two email. PE is only cancelled in the event of heavy rain, icy or extremely cold conditions. Therefore, a pair of jogging bottoms (ideally navy) are useful. Children with pierced ears must be able to remove their own earrings or cover these with tape provided from home. Long hair should also be tied back.

Water bottles and Snacks 

A gentle reminder to please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. The government provides one piece of fruit/vegetable for each child daily, however we welcome you providing extra snacks for your child but please ensure these are healthy e.g. fruit, vegetables, dry crackers, bread sticks or similar. Any snacks or packed lunches must not contain any nuts or products containing nuts. 


Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat in school every day.  All clothing, including PE kit, should be labelled with your child’s name.  Lost property is located in the first aid area, which can be found near the infant toilets.

We are looking forward to supporting your child on their learning journey and having fun along the way. If at any point you have a message for your child’s teacher, please send an email to the Year 2 team or if you have any questions on

Best Wishes

Mrs Burnham and Mr Palmer