SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disability


SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disability
At St Wilfrid’s, we endeavour to be fully inclusive to all our pupils. We value each child as an individual and want to work with families to ensure positive and happy outcomes for everybody.
If you have further questions after looking through our website, please call the school office and we will be happy to help you.
If you would like to discuss something about your child, your first point of contact is your child’s class teacher.
The SENCO role is undertaken by Mrs Russell (Assistant Head for Inclusion and Phase 2) who has responsibility for children with SEND and the Phase Leaders Miss Killick (Assistant Head for Phase 1) and Mrs Ford (Deputy Head and Phase 3 leader) are responsible for pastoral matters. They can be contacted through the School Office on 01444 413707.
If you are considering whether your child should join the school, please make an appointment to speak to our Head teacher, Mr Hateley.
The SEND Governor is Jon Arnold who can be contacted via the School Office or the Clerk to Governors. Email:
We look forward to working with you.