How To Contact The Governors

How To Contact The Governors 

How to contact the Governors

Governors aim to be as approachable as possible.  We wear governor lanyards and identification at events and welcome conversations about the school, please come and talk to us.

If there is something you'd like to tell us, you can use one of the following ways:

  •          please send an email to:
  •          or write a letter to the Chair of Governors via the School Office.


Questions, ideas and suggestions:

As the Headteacher and staff are responsible for the day to day running of the school, these should be your first contact if you have any questions, ideas or suggestions.

Concerns or Complaints:

At St Wilfrid’s we take concerns seriously and to resolve these as quickly as possible they should be raised with either the class teacher, a member of staff, Head of Key Stage or the Headteacher in the first instance. 

Full details of how to raise a concern or make a complaint are detailed here: