
St Wilfrid's Primary School - Maths Curriculum Statement
At St Wilfrid's Primary School, our Maths curriculum is designed with the intent to inspire a love for mathematics and to foster confidence, enthusiasm, and resilience in our learners. Our intent is to foster a love for learning in maths through a three-pronged approach: discover, explore, create. In addition to meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum in England, we aim to encourage our students to discover, explore, and create through the Power Maths scheme. We believe that every child has the potential to excel in mathematics, and our curriculum is tailored to provide pathways to progress for all learners, including those identified as Greater Depth mathematicians. Through the use of working walls, we provide a visual aid to support and reinforce learning objectives and key concepts.
The implementation of our Maths curriculum at St Wilfrid's Primary School involves the use of the Power Maths scheme, which is carefully adapted to meet the needs of our diverse learners. Lessons are structured to engage students in active learning, problem-solving, and practical exploration. Each lesson concludes with a time for reflection – allowing our learners to evaluate what they have learned in a lesson. Our teachers utilise working walls to display key vocabulary, examples, and strategies, creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment. Differentiated tasks are provided to ensure that all students are appropriately challenged and supported, with a particular focus on developing the skills of all of our learners through a mastery approach.
The impact of our Maths teaching is measured through a combination of formative and summative assessments, allowing us to track the progress of individual students and evaluate the effectiveness of our curriculum. By fostering a positive attitude towards mathematics and developing a strong foundation of mathematical skills, we aim to see our students grow in confidence, achieve their full potential, and develop a lifelong enjoyment of the subject. Through our intent to inspire discovery, exploration, and creativity, we aim to create a Maths curriculum that not only equips our students with essential skills for life but also nurtures a genuine passion for learning and problem-solving.