
Curriculum Statement for Science at St. Wilfrid's CofE Primary School


At St Wilfrid's CofE Primary School, our intention for the science curriculum is to enable our students to explore, discover, and create as they develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. Through practical, hands-on experiences, we aim to foster curiosity, promote enquiry skills, and encourage independence as pupils develop as learners through our school. By relating new learning to relevant real-world contexts, we aspire for our pupils to develop a strong foundation in science knowledge and understanding.



To achieve our intent, we will follow the White Rose Science scheme implemented throughout the school, employing a "small steps" approach to science teaching aligned with the National Curriculum. Guided by our core values, we will integrate hands-on enquiry-based activities, and provide opportunities for pupils to work scientifically. We will focus on encouraging pupils to explain their thinking verbally and in written form, developing their scientific vocabulary, and exploring scientific questions around sustainability and the planet. Additionally, we will facilitate cross-curricular links to project-based learning and offer enrichment opportunities to extend learning and relate it to real-world contexts.



The impact of our science teaching will be assessed through formative and summative assessments, monitoring pupils’ learning to inform next steps in learning and providing feedback. Formative assessment methods will include classroom discussion and questioning to encourage pupils to explain their thinking both verbally and in written form. By instilling a culture of questioning and scientific enquiry, we aim to cultivate critical thinking skills in all our pupils. Summative assessments will include end-of-unit tests, presentations, and projects to evaluate their progress and understanding in science.