PTFA (Friends of St Wilfrid's)

Registered Charity No:1005518

What is the PTFA (Friends of St Wilfrid's School)?
  • The principal aim of 'Friends of St Wilfrid’s School' is to raise funds in order to provide facilities for the school, not normally provided by the Local Education Authority.
  • This is accomplished through organising events which, in turn, enhance the school experience for all children and their families.
  • Regular events include children’s discos, quiz nights, barn dances, as well as a Summer and Christmas fair.
How can I get involved?
  • Full membership of 'Friends of St Wilfrid’s School' is automatic for parents and carers of pupils at the school.
  • Parents and carers can join the Committee that make decisions about which events to run and how funds should be spent in school.
  • Can you spare an hour or two to help at individual events? Volunteers are always needed and offers of help are always appreciated.
  • Come along and support our events! Family attendance is highly valued and vital to the success of the event.

Any queries, suggestions? Please contact us through the School Office or via our email.


Keep an eye out for our regular newsletter of events!