Timings of school day, Term dates and INSET dates

Timings of School Day



8.35am – Both gates will be open, children must wait with their parents/carers on either playground.

8.50am – Doors to the school will be open and children will be able to come into school.

8.55am – Gates will be closed.

At the end of the day,

3.15pm – Gates will be opened

3.20pm – Children will be dismissed from the playground doors. For our new Year 3 children, this will now be from the Junior playground doors.


Please click on the West Sussex County Council link below to find the latest term dates.

2023-2024 INSET Dates

Friday 1st September 2023

Tuesday 2nd January 2024

Monday 19th February 2024

Monday 22nd July 2024

Tuesday 23rd July 2024


2024-2025 INSET Dates
Monday 2nd September 2024
Friday 25th October 2024
Friday 4th April 2025
Monday 21st July 2025
Tuesday 22nd July 2025