Year 6 - IOW 2024

Day 1 - IOW 2024
What a great first day!
We have safely arrived on the Isle of Wight! After a smooth (but slightly delayed) crossing, we headed to Ventnor and learnt about the measures put in place to protect the coastline.
After this, we then headed to our 'home away from home' (YMCA) to check out our rooms before a delicious dinner of pizza, fish and chips. In the evening, we headed down to the beach for some games before a great night's sleep.
We can't wait for water sports!
Day 2 - IOW 2024
What a day of water sports! After getting our wet suits on in record time, we then spent the day in the sea making rafts, kayaking, paddle boarding and working together on the mega SUP.
We then headed back to the YMCA for a delicious roast dinner before dancing the night away to all our favourite songs at the disco.
Tomorrow, we are looking forward to taking part in the theatre workshop, visiting Carisbrooke Castle and watching a show back at the theatre (and seeing Mr Hateley of course!)
Day 3 - IOW 2024
What a busy Wednesday!
We were joined by Mr Hateley for a delicious breakfast of sausages, beans and hash browns before heading to the beach for some games.
This was followed by a fantastic workshop at Shanklin theatre where we learnt about how the lights and music work; what lies backstage and did some singing and dancing of our own on stage.
We then headed to Carisbrooke castle to walk the battlements and find out all about King Charles' imprisonment. We even found out how they went to the toilet in medieval times!
Dinner was a delicious burger, corn on the cob and potatoes followed by ice lollies!
To finish off the day, we watched a Wild West themed production back at the theatre.
Tomorrow we are looking forward to visiting the needles and doing some souvenir shopping
Day 4 - IOW 2024
What a great final full day!
After delicious pancakes for breakfast, we started to do some packing before playing games on the field.
We then headed to Alum Bay to take a boat trip over to the famous needles. It was really interesting to learn about the lighthouse and defences before trying to count all the different coloured sands that make up the cliff line.
After a lovely lunch with stunning views of the sea, we headed to Shanklin to do some souvenir shopping.
Back at the YMCA, we had spaghetti bolognese and jacket potatoes for dinner followed by a delicious chocolate cupcake.
After dinner, we recapped on a brilliant week with some awards. These ranged from those who shared their castle knowledge and hoped to be the best dancers to those who aspired to trek all terrains in slippers and aspired to be the best at starting songs and chants!
Finally, we enjoyed our last night by playing more games on the field and watching a movie with popcorn.
We're sad to be leaving the Isle of Wight tomorrow but are looking forward to seeing you all and sleeping in our own beds!